Engineering a Modern Pipeline For VFX and Animation Production

I’ve written an article titled “Engineering a Modern Pipeline For VFX and Animation Production” while back, which you can download from this link.

The article is 56 pages long and intend to give an overall look for developing a modern, consistent and productive pipeline. Enjoy!

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Common Issues in a Production Pipeline
  • Successful API Development
  • Where to Start?
  • Packages
    • Structure
    • Naming Convention
      • Package Naming Convention
        • 3rd Party Application Related Package Names
        • 3rd Party Libraries & Dependencies
      • Python File Naming Convention
      • Maya C++ Plug-in File Naming Convention
      • Executable File Naming Convention
    • Coding Style Guide
      • Python Coding Style Guide
        • Global Variables & Constants
        • Enumeration
        • Classes
        • Methods & Functions
        • Class Members
        • Qt Class Members
        • Static Class Members
        • Get & Set Methods
        • Arguments
        • Acronyms
        • Content Order of a Python Module
        • Imports
          • Standard Library Imports
          • Qt Imports
          • Maya Imports
          • Houdini Imports
          • Nuke Imports
          • Katana Imports
          • Mari Imports
          • Package Imports
        • Inheritance
        • Exclamation Marks
    • Documentation
      • Automating the Document Creation with API
      • Creating Documentation for a Package
      • Creating Documentation for a Show
      • Python Documentation
        • Company Header
        • Modules
        • Classes
        • Class Members
        • Methods & Functions
      • Wing IDE Extension
    • Package API
      • Creating a Package
      • Listing Packages
      • Searching Packages
      • Getting info about a Package
      • Listing Executables
      • Searching Executables
      • Python API
    • Application Icons
  • Software Architecture
    • Frameworks
      • Core Framework
      • Foundation Framework
      • Pipeline Framework
      • Show Framework
    • Enumeration
    • Developer Library
      • Getting Information about the Developers
      • Python API
    • GUI Classes
      • Main Window
      • Icon Class
      • Menu Class
      • Application Info Class
      • Package Class
      • Additional Features
        • Help & Documentation Menu
        • User Manuals & Tutorials Menu
        • About Menu
      • Other Type of GUIs
      • Dock Widget
      • Dialog
      • Tool Window
      • Running a GUI
      • Inheritance & Usage Flow Chart
      • Example Screenshots
    • Applications & Application Info
      • Searching Applications
      • Listing Applications
      • Generating Application Menus Automatically
    • Icons
      • Cascading Structure
      • Icon and Enumerations
    • Menus
    • Configurations
    • Processes
    • Package Content Relationship
    • Environments & Launching Applications
      • Development
      • Staging
      • Context & Executables
      • Auto Completion
      • Package Based and Knit Picky Customization
    • Releasing Packages
      • Releasing via Command
      • Releasing via GUI
      • Dependencies
        • Pre Dependencies
        • Post Dependencies

About the author

As a seasoned software engineer, I've navigated through various roles across multiple departments, taking on diverse responsibilities ranging from team leadership to senior supervisory roles.

My approach to problem-solving is anything but conventional, and it's what sets me apart. I have a knack for enhancing the software development process, making it not only more productive and reliable but also an enjoyable journey for all involved. My track record includes delivering software products on time and within budget while consistently achieving remarkable increases in productivity.

If you're looking to fortify and streamline your development pipeline, I invite you to reach out to me without hesitation. Together, we can make your operations more robust and efficient, leaving a trail of satisfied stakeholders in our wake.

Contact Me
Example API Reference